Friday, August 13, 2010
Please Forgive Me
I did want to let you know that my team and I will be having a celebration after Ministries Fair in the Cup on Sunday. This will be at Denton Bible Church at 3pm. There will be a slide show and we will tell about the trip. Snacks will also be provided. I know many of you are out of towners and won't be able to make it, but I did want to extend the invite!
A letter update on everything is coming soon! Again I am very sorry!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Made it to France
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Leaving today and Prayer Requests
I am packed (for the most part) and ready to go. I have a couple of errands to run today, one of them being the eye doctor. I have a problem with my left eye, and the dr was nice enough to squeeze me in before I leave this afternoon. My flight is at 9 tonight. We have a lay over in London and then its onto Nice. CRAZY! I am very excited and only have that nervous pre-flight feeling in my stomach. Do you ever get that? What if I forget something? What if I don't remember my passport.... I tend to get that feeling when I am about to fly.
I don't think I can say Thank You enough for your prayers and support. I cannot go to France with out money of course, but your prayers are so important! Here are some prayer requests so that you can pray specifics.
1. For God's grace in Flying. Our team is flying in at 3 different times on 3 different flights. That our bags get there and that we go through customs okay. Also that we have good conversations with those sitting next to us on the way there and back. (I like talking to people on airplanes. They are stuck with you for the duration of the flight)
2. For our team: Emily, Diane, Amy, Sarah, Mont, Emrie, Rachel, Colton and Myself. That we would represent grace and love to the people of France while we serve selflessly and don't complain. That we would bond in fellowship and community, encouraging one another. For the team there from other parts of the US as well. We will all be working together to put on VBS
3. For the Vacation Bible School: that the kids hearts would be open to hear of the gospel and for their parents to listen to what they learn. For the logistics to fall into place and details to be taken care of.
4. For those we meet in France: that we listen well and share the gospel without fear.
5. For the missionaries there: The Arnold Family, Orozco Family, Donna, Amy, Jill and the Servers who are leaving, when we return, to go to France full time. These people serve in France full time. They, through the provision of the church body, live their lives in France, serve and lead 2 churches and minister to different people groups across the southern part of France. To find out more about them and how you can support them visit the Serve Website: They are in constant need of prayer and encouragement. They are the ones that will be building deeper relationships with the families, kids and people of France when we leave.
6. For my heart: That I would serve selflessly while I am there, not seeking my personal satisfaction but seeking the Lord's will. That I would be open and share God's grace and love without fear to all who I meet. And that I my ears and eyes would be open to seeing what God is doing in France and what the needs are in this country.
Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Thank you for your continued prayer. I leave you with a devotional that I find has encouraged me as I leave on my first international mission trip and as I serve here in Denton. I have been reading Paul David Tripp's A Shelter in the Time of Storm as a devotional. He is an amazing writer, speaker and counselor, who I had the privilege of seeing at the Biblical Counseling Conference. His Safe poem, speaks wonders to me and I hope it will to you.
I am safe not because I never face danger, but because God is with me in it.
**2:30pm update: I have an eye infection in both eyes! I am trying to have an upbeat attitude. I get to wear my glasses and put drops in my eyes for the next week! Wahoo!**
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
HI I am an Over Packer
I leave tomorrow! I am so excited to see what God is doing in France and serve him there!
Just an FYI: I am not sure if I am bringing my computer or not... but will find a way to post at some point to keep you informed. Just in case I will leave a list of prayer requests on here so that you can pray for the team. I also attached our Vacation Bible School course overview so you can be praying for the kids and their hearts as we teach them God's word.
I could eat you up I love you so!
I also got to spend Monday with my littlest brother and sister. They are amazing and I love spending time with them. We made breakfast, ran errands, 'cooked' dirt pie (worms and all) and then watched movies. One of the movies we watched was Where the Wild Things Are. A line in the movie is: "I could eat you up, I love you so." Do you ever feel that way? Where you look at someone and think, I love this person so much I just could keep squeezing them? I know that I feel this way a lot. I have four great siblings who I love a lot, parents who I am thankful for, and friends who I consider family. All of them I love dearly. There are times when I truly feel that my heart will burst with love for these individuals.
Then I remember that God loves them even more. God loves them more than I do. He loves them more than I can understand. That his good for us is truly good. That there are times I don't understand why something happens or turns out the way it does, but God loves my family more than I do. We are made in his image, as Genesis tells. Unable to live a life that is sinless, God didn't leave us to die but sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die the sinners death. For those three hours God turned his face and let death over take Christ. The death that we should have died, Christ endured. Then three days later Christ rose from the dead. Conquering death and paying the cost of our sins. Christ rose. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.~John 3:16 We are God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved. Paul talks about Love throughout his letters. He tells of God's love for us. And the greatest of these is Love.
My question to you and to myself is do you love God so much that your heart could burst? I know I don't. So many times I put the things I love before God. But God's love for me should be the reason that I love.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12, Matthew 22, Luke 10, and Deut. 6:5)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thank You
God, through your contributions, has provided every penny for my support!!! I am humbled, grateful and amazed by all of your support, prayers, words of encouragement and God's provision through you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I leave on July 7th and ask for your help in praying for the trip. A week ago we met with a couple that will be going to France to join the full time team with Serve. Our team talked about what we will be doing in France and how we will be helping with VBS. This trip started as a curriculum trip, where we thought we would be developing the VBS materials to teach in two churches. It has developed into a trip where we will be helping a team from other states put on the VBS in St. Paul for the week of July 12-16th. The more we talked with them, the more excited I became to go. I have been told to be flexible with how I will be serving, and what we will be doing. BUT I want to see what God is doing in France and Europe. If you want to find out more about France check out this website:
Prayer Requests:
*For my heart as I prepare to leave.
*For boldness in conversation as we travel and are in France.
*My teammates here in the states and those we will be serving with in France. That we serve as a community and a good representation of love and the church to those in France.
*For the hearts of the children at the Vacation Bible School camp.
* For the people of France. This past week five people from the churches we will be serving with accepted Christ as their savior and where baptized.
* For the Gospel of Christ to spread. John 3:16
Please comment or email me and let me know how I can pray for you.
Vagabond Summer: Road Trip
Playing at Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo. Took the Road from Denton to Albuquerque.
Can you see me?
I am still learning how to post pics and comments on this blog.
This was a fun adventure. I had been to many of the places before but it is always interesting to go back as an adult. It opened my eyes. To stand and over look the Grand Canyon one day and then the Pacific ocean another, reminded me of just how big God is and how beautiful his creation is. I saw poverty and need in the streets of LA and San Diego. I know that this is true no matter where you go. I have been to Chicago and NY, and other big cities. I have served in the downtown areas of St Louis, Chicago, Memphis and Denton. It still amazes me that someone can find their 'home' sleeping on the street outside the house that is for rent. On the day we left San Diego a man and his dog 'Lady' walked down the street pushing a cart. I said Good morning to him and asked him how he was doing. He said "Not good." I asked why? He informed me that the day before was trash day and so he had no food or anything. This man was homeless and lived off of someone else's 'trash'. I offered him the only food I had on me at the time a granola bar. It made me think about all I have, and how selfish I am with it. My money, possessions, and time. I left this trip praying for God to show me how I can better serve my community and excited to go to France. I know God is working in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. I know that God is working because in Christ and through the help of the Holy Spirit he is transforming lives. For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that who ever trusts in him shall live eternally with him. I know that God is doing things around the world.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Chaco Adventures
I hope all of you are doing well! God has been teaching me so much these last few weeks leading up to my mission trip. I have currently raised $1060 toward my $2500 goal. God has truly blessed this trip. Thank you for your prayers and support, I could not go to France without either of these things. If you want to financially support my trip please send checks made out to Denton Bible Church and put 8700-21 in the memo line. Email me to get my address.
My summer is filled with many adventures but a few hardships as well. School has come to a close and I am currently packing to go on a road trip with my roommates. We are heading to the Grand Canyon and California for a little R&R and Chaco Adventures. Chaco Adventures are a must each summer. Chaco’s are sports sandals that I enjoy wearing while hiking and doing ‘hardcore’ adventure type things. Last Sunday my friend Allison and I completed our first Triathlon in Irving. This has been a goal of mine for a while, so to complete it was such a rush. I will be training for my next tri after my mission trip. This past week I helped pack up my Grandma who is moving to Lake Jackson and also unpack my parents who moved into a new house in Belton. During the course of these events I had to say goodbye to a sweet friend of mine, my dog Maxi. Through a crazy event, Maxi passed away on the morning of June 9. She was well loved by many of my friends, family and passed roommates. She was 16 years old and a family pet that I had the privilege of playing with since I was 10 years old. Although we had ups and downs in our relationship, I will miss Maxi and the apartment will not be the same without her presence.
My mission trip is coming together through prayer and flexibility. We are having a garage sell on June 19th. My team will leave on July 8th and will be working with another group from Virginia to put on a Vacation Bible School in St Paul France. This whole experience has taught me a lot about waiting on the Lord in prayer and patience. When we first started meeting we thought that we would have to create a curriculum for the trip and be the only ones there teaching. Now we have a large team (10 people from other states), and will be working with an English curriculum to teach the children. This team has worked in France in the past, so we will have so much to learn from them. Another thing that I have learned is about my place on the team. My past mission trips have been with college students going to urban cities. This trip has been a challenge because I am out of my comfort. I am traveling with two families and one teacher from Denton Calvary (the private school affiliated with Denton Bible). I have so much to learn from these men and women, and need to remember my responsibility in building relationships. Both flexibility and acceptance has been a struggle throughout the past weeks, but I have learned so much.
With Love,
Anna B.
Prayer Requests:
· That the two teams may serve selflessly one another and the group of missionaries there in France
· For opportunity to share my faith here in the United States and in France
· For faith and trust that God will provide or finances and needs here and in France
· For the Lord to work in mighty ways this summer in the hearts of my past students and my future students, as well as the children in my apartment complex. Three of them were baptized two weeks ago. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Discipling my Body
I started the process of training about a month ago with Mr. C's help (a fellow teacher and friend). I decided to do it because I wanted to show my kids that dedication, perseverance, hard work and completing goals is possible. All the time they say "I can't do it." "This is too hard". I got tired of asking them to do things that I myself wasn't doing in my life. I was asking my students to show self discipline, finish goals and persevere when it got hard, when I was not doing this in my personal life. You see I am a big idea, starter type who does not always finish the goals I set for myself.
The funny thing about this whole experience happened yesterday. So all year I have been telling my students these things, and most of them actually finished out the year doing great on their TAKS tests and finishing all their work to move onto the next grade. We celebrated this on Thursday going to the park and cooking out. Then they went home (sad to say goodbye). I was so proud of them and amazed to see all that God had done in each of their lives throughout the year. They where not the same kids I had in the beginning and many had to overcome a lot of negativity to change attitudes and finish. So Friday was clean up day at school. I decided to go swimming that morning to 'practice' before Sunday. It was so hard to swim. What was to be my easiest sport in the tri, was difficult to complete. Seed of doubt was planted, and I questioned if I could do this. Then I rushed home to get ready to go work up at school. I didn't make time to spend with the Lord (reading and praying), seed planted of chaos and overwhelming anxiety about everything going on in this next week. I then went to school and walked into my classroom, I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF!!! Seed planted of time needed and organization of things so that I can be better prepared for next year. Instead of stopping and praying and realizing what was going on I let these seeds grow throughout the day and I was a walking mess at school. **Side note I have an amazing group of coworkers!!** My coworkers would look at me and ask what was wrong and I would unload everything that I was thinking at the time. By the end of the day I was so full of anxiety, doubt and overwhelmed that I decided to give up and not to do the tri.
I tell this story not to confess or unload my junk on you, but to say I understand where the kids are coming from, when they look at the mount of goals and expectations we set before them and give up before they even start or are about to finish. This is an amazing lesson to learn as a teacher. If I am going to teach my students to be self disciplined and finish goals and persevere I need to do the same. I cannot give up when things get hard or it seems impossible to finish. I serve a bigger God than that who tells me not to worry because I am taken care of. To keep my eyes on his righteousness and kingdom and all things will be taken care of. Let me tell you how God took care of me in my anxiousness and self pity.
1. My coworkers swarmed my room and helped me clean and finish report cards selflessly in the midst of my selfishness. They listened to me and spoke words of wisdom about not overwhelming myself in the future.
2. My friend Allison patiently listened to my whining and attempt to give up and spoke truth to me.
3. Both of my roommates reminded me why I am doing this and how I need to finish my goals, unless I wanted to be known as a hypocrite. And one even volunteered to take care of my crazy dog.
4. Mr. C reminded me that I have no reason to quit.
5. God spoke truth to me about my time being his and that my goal is to serve him.
So I am doing the tri tomorrow. This is the beginning of many adventures I am having this summer. I keep praying for the Lord to beat my body and mind into submission. I am thankful for his patience and perseverance to make me into Christ likeness. I am thankful for his surrounding me with friends and coworkers who are amazing, listen and care when I am a mess. I deserve none of this, yet he gives in abundance.
Thank you Lord for your abundant grace and sufficient provision.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
What are you living for?
I went to a conference a week ago, and these where the questions discussed for much of it. What defines you? Being in my 20's and a people pleaser it is so easy for me to seek comfort in what 'man' thinks about me and base decisions on that. Being from a family of go-getters and high achievers, I seek to put my identity in what I have done, where I am going and what I am doing. As a teacher it is so easy to put my identity in how my students perform and their behavior. As a friend I struggle with wanting to be accepted and included. I want comfort. But the truth is all of these things will fail me. My identity has to be in the one who died on the cross to cover the sins I have committed in the past, present, and future. This is a daily struggle for me.
One of the things that was said that keeps ringing in my ears was, "You are made in God's image. And before you where born you had purpose. You are broken and Christ bought you broken, before you where born." Christ paid the price a long time ago. Do I live for His kingdom or my own?
I am challenged in this daily as I am in the classroom. It is so easy to get frustrated with my students when they don't act the way I want them to. It's easy to yell when they don't listen to my requests. It's easy to take their words to heart and become hurt when they are angry or challenge my authority. It is so easy to take their disrespect and performance and find my identity in that. But you see children are sinners just like you and me. They are seeking their identity in their peers, their performance, my words as a teacher, and even their success at not being successful. It is my job, in love, to speak words to them that challenge them to become better and know they are loved. I cannot change hearts, but I can tell them they are loved. My principal tells us all the time we need to tell students they are loved. At first I was taken aback by this. Tell students they are loved? Did a teacher ever tell me I was loved by him/her? No. But they didn't have to because I knew it at home. I tell my students they are loved. I don't do this because I love them but because God does. The only way I can love them is because Christ does and he loves me too. My prayer is that my student's hearts be transformed not by the knowledge of academics but by the knowledge that they have a greater purpose and are loved by an almighty father.
I am going to France in less than a month and a half. I am blessed to have raised $480. I have $2020 left to raise and I have no doubt God will provide in one form or another. I am so thankful for those that are praying. I know that God is moving in mighty ways in my life and in those around me. If you want to be apart of my prayer or financial team please contact me through email at
Prayer Requests:
* For my students and their parents to grow in a relationship together in Christ.
* For the next week to go smoothly. End of school!
* For my triathlon next weekend. My goal is to finish!
* For my friend's heart, and her wedding next weekend.
* For my France team, the details to work out and our finances. We have a ways to go in one month!
* For the people of France and the United States that are seeking their identity in everything but the Glory of God.
Thank you for your prayers and support. Let me know how I can pray for you.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Motorcycles and Swimsuits
An example of this, is plane tickets. I am flying over with our team leader Emily while the other families are going on Standby and Airmiles. Since I am the 'youngest' adult on the team (there are highschool girls and a middle school boy), I have no air miles so Emily has been graciously setting about to find me a ticket to fly with her. This has prompted us to leave one day earlier and return one day later to find a cheap enough ticket for us both to fly on. Normally my initial reaction to this would have been frustration that the tickets hadn't been bought yet. But God has been working on my heart, and I am dieing to myself, and was calm. I kept saying in my head "God knows the plans he has for me" and this team. Then I got excited thinking of the things we could do or people we could meet.
As I was coming home this afternoon and talking to my momma, a group of motorcycles paraded down my apartment complex. Intermixed with the reeving of motors you could hear kids playing at the pool across the street. This intermingling of sounds and commotions just reminded me of how walking in Faith, you never know what God will bring either challenge or gift. It is a challenge right now to not want to know everything he has planned for me in the coming months. To not want to plan and have what I want. To not want to give way to all that others are telling me and to please those who I love. But it has also been a gift to see how relinquishing control I am able to experience all that God is doing in the lives of my students, my friends, and the world. It is a gift to get to walk freely in the grace God has bestowed upon me and not carry the burdens of this fallen world. It is a gift to get to rest in the fact God does know his plans for me, and I am to be faithful and trust. I always thought that if I drove a motorcycle I would want a Honda Sports bike because of the speed you can get to. But watching the Harley's ride in, and around and up and down the street, I don't think I want a Honda but a Harley so that I can enjoy all that God has to offer.
“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
Praying for God's guidance for your life today. Trust and Obey.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Support Letters
I have been learning daily what it means to walk with him and the power of prayer. Recently I started carrying scripture in my pocket at work. I know that it is important to put on the 'full armor of God' each morning, but literally having the verses in my pocket have helped me to remember to pray when things get tough, to pray when I am about to loose my patience with a student, to pray when a student is acting rude to another and to pray when they are all doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. It has made me very aware of what God is doing in their hearts and mine. He is at work!
Prayer Requests:
* My students and their parents to come to know the Lord
* School is finished well
* Support Raising, that I trust the Lord completely
* Mission team to grow in community and fellowship
* Sharing my faith daily by my words, actions and just listening in Love
Thank you friends for your prayers and support. Please let me know how I can pray for you.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Vagabond Summer
So far my Vagabond adventures will be leading me to multiple places this summer:
1. Belton to visit the Fam
2. Grand Canyon to see the beauty of creation and road trip it with a blessing of a friend
3. France to serve the Lord and the Team there
4. Denton to be in Community
5. The Lake to rest and recoup before the start of another school year
Its funny that as I write this I am thinking of the definition of a Vagabond as someone who ideally wonders. I guess the difference for me is I am seeking the Lord.
I don't know who will read this but I pray you will be blessed by knowing God's grace and sovereignty through my adventures in life.
Galatians 5:25 says: Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
I have been praying to keep in step with the Spirit. This means each day is a new adventure. :)