Playing at Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo. Took the Road from Denton to Albuquerque.
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This was a fun adventure. I had been to many of the places before but it is always interesting to go back as an adult. It opened my eyes. To stand and over look the Grand Canyon one day and then the Pacific ocean another, reminded me of just how big God is and how beautiful his creation is. I saw poverty and need in the streets of LA and San Diego. I know that this is true no matter where you go. I have been to Chicago and NY, and other big cities. I have served in the downtown areas of St Louis, Chicago, Memphis and Denton. It still amazes me that someone can find their 'home' sleeping on the street outside the house that is for rent. On the day we left San Diego a man and his dog 'Lady' walked down the street pushing a cart. I said Good morning to him and asked him how he was doing. He said "Not good." I asked why? He informed me that the day before was trash day and so he had no food or anything. This man was homeless and lived off of someone else's 'trash'. I offered him the only food I had on me at the time a granola bar. It made me think about all I have, and how selfish I am with it. My money, possessions, and time. I left this trip praying for God to show me how I can better serve my community and excited to go to France. I know God is working in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. I know that God is working because in Christ and through the help of the Holy Spirit he is transforming lives. For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that who ever trusts in him shall live eternally with him. I know that God is doing things around the world.
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